Friday, April 13, 2018

Hey back

Today is Saturday 14 April 2018

Its been a while since I was last here.But I just remembered this effin space where I can blare my thoughts without any effin worry

Well a lot of water has passed under the bridge since I was last here...its actually ages...

in brief..the highlights

left bangui,kaga bandoro  and went back to UNON.

worked at UNON for two years

left UNON for MICT

Its twos years now...actually its my third year..lots of domestics...tell you life is a teacher...

started my second project..Haki Plaza...

Kids all grown now...forestor feud

So here I am now..its 6 am...I haven't slept a other words I have note batted a lid all...times ...for 24hrs...

its my 2nd Night Shift...

as I seep coffee,this night I realised that i have three poeple ought to finish me here @mict.I have suspected all along that they are upto no good.but now all evidence points to them.These three guys led by the chief wanker brian,baatjes and the koch...these three guys..effin rascists..I have been oberseving you closely and I have no doubt in my mind that you are upto no good.baatjes concocts a lies...passes it over to koch who tosses it to the wanker to execute...the rude emails..why???very strange..I know what you are upto but I will not let you succeeed.From today henceforth ,I will cross all my Ts and dot my Is..may I also remind you that...NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST SHALL PROSPER!!



Okay take it easy man...easy...lets just prepare the hand over notes...