Wednesday, July 6, 2011

RALLYING best of the season

I am a Rally fan ...cant get enough of it...Hey this guy was my school mate...the school's called 'Hae'.and he was a 'Mangaa'.  The best of the season.....
I wish him the best next season

Hinga at press briefing.jpgHinga at press briefing.
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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Well now that I am online I think I'd better tell you of one of my most interesting days since I came to this banana republic(as Mutahi Ngunyi would say) ...very interesting day...

woke up earlier than usual at 0500am to be precise.I checked the phone network and saw it was still off for both other words both my Orange and telcel lines indicated 'no network'...nikafanya exercise mdogo mdogo ..rope skipping mpaka 6am....took a quick shower and then by 630 nikakunywa kahawa...I knew it would be a long day so I ate  a big piece of dry bread..'le pain' as they call it here ...the driver of the vehicle  I had borrowed came at around 645 and off we went to the  airstrip...Drama started just when we reached the main road to the airstrip fifteen minutes later...One of the rebel leaders had sent his rebels to buy supplies in the town..They were on 4 horses with their AK47 guns and they strode magestically...It was suprising that most of the shops were open..anyway I remembered that the sun rises quite early here actually by 5am its daylight....So these guys on horses see our vehicles and signal us to stop..I tell the driver,'dacord,'arrete" meaning OK stop in french.The last thing I want is a confrontation with rebels with black headscarfs and AK47s and again at 7am in the morning...Now the leader of the group asks me something in the local slag.The driver tells him I dont they exchange some words with the driver....then they laugh heartedly...then he gives me the 'high five' sign and I give him 'five'...then he mounts his horse and off they go....Am suprised..and I ask the driver what that was all about and he tells me that the rebel just wanted to greet us and tell us to visit their village like we did a few weeks earlier to vaccinate children...the driver told him we shall do that and that I was the boss and a former military general so he should be careful how he talks to me...that impressed him so much that he gave me the high 5...crazy.....(he actually believed that).
 so we proceed to the airstrip...on arrival we find two other  vehicles ,(regional peacekeeping force based here), military and other local politicians...So I went to my guys ....When the plane finally came at around 8am...more drama...the pilot tried to land first but the wheels refused to come he had to do another run....scaring.....well the second time the wheels came out and he landed properly...All the VIPs came out and just like in Kenya we lined up to greet them...My guys from HQ came and they were as arrogant as usual...if they could know the trouble I went through to get a vehicle...I should have hired for them a motocycle....anyway we drove them to the meeting place....the office of the Prefect of the area...
We then waited for the other parties...the rebel groups...we waited and waited...and 1100hrs one rebel group arrived on foot...around 30 guys armed with a few AK47 but mostly with wooden guns..they looked very they had been walking the whole night...They circled their leader whom was called colonel...he was shown in to the mediation room and I could see him gladly accept a bottle of mineral water...he needed it.....then we waited for the other group...we waited ....we 12pm...I went with the HQ guys to show them the our offices ...the guys had a lot of airs in them..I kept reminding them that we were in the field and as they had seen the situation could explode anytime intention was to scare the hell out of them and I could see that it was beginning to take effect....They felt so insecure that they requested I take them back to the mediation..which I did..Unknown to them they government officials had made arrangements for lunch for only the govt when they realised that,I had to take them back to our guset house for lunch...I teased them that I  didnot know why they had rejected my offer for lunch earlier..I  almost told him to eat the airburgers....anyway I felt sorry and took them to our guest house where they had lunch.....I tell you one gets hungry here...I dont know whether its the heat of the sun or the eat of the rebels......By now they had humbled up and reduced to normal size.....

When we went back to the meeting 230 we had word that the other rebel grp was coming......when they arrived....wah wah wah,,,,what a show...they had at least 30 motorcylces carrying 2 guys each with AK47,also aatleats 10horses(remember those I met in the morning),and they also had two technicals with mounted machine guys....Now these guys deserve respect......two weeks earlier they had signed an agreement to go back to Chad but when they arrived back to bandoro,they trashed the agreement and started harrasing the other rebel group...hence the problem in our hands.......

So I left the important people mediating and returned to the office now it was 330hrs....when I arrived I hardly spent 10minutes and the HQ guys called me again....what now....when I arrived, they had already gone back to the I decided to wait outside.....the scene outside was very interesting......we had the government military in their uniforms machine guns AK47 and to them was the regional peacekeeping force also heavily armed taking positions next to them....them we had one group of rebels taking positions with their wooden home made guns,few AK47 and gumboots......then next were the chadian  rebels wearing their black turbans heavily armed too...all bitter enemies......hey wait a minute some of these guys have M16 rifles.........I need to get out of here....I told the driver to take me  back to the office.......The mediation ended at around 1645hrs....I think something positive was agreed upon .The HQ guys did not even have the courtesy to tell me what transpired........well,now I can relax abit...I wish I could take photos...but who wants to ask a rebel to take photos with him....maybe if  we have a vaccination in their village again...I will ask for a photo but again ...nooo.....hey I managed to get some photos ...maybe you can have a view of the situation.....

govt,rebels get along 

FPR rebels.....

I dont wanna meet these two guys again

Otherwise that was my was your day???

Welcome to my Blog

Hi Guys
After a long time of fantancies and imaginations based on other peoples blogs ,I have actually finally managed to create my own didnot cost a dime as I had initally feared (call it ignorance)I'm actually amazed that its absolutely free to start a blog...Any way welcome to my blog
We live in interesting times nowadays and with in this modern day and era it is only logical that we share our experinces  because as a wise man once said....knowlegde is power.....and so I felt I should share my experinces with you may be a bore to some of you but anyway feel free to tell me when I replace your sleeping pills.
Well,........thats not me .....